MSFS: Who We Are?
Who is a Fransalian? :
A Fransalian is a man called to be a missionary with a vison; an explorer of the unknown; a builder of communities; a sower of God’s words; an enlightened guide to his students; a formator for the unformed; a joyful herald of God’s reign on Earth in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales by following the 7 principal virtues of Salesian spirituality which are simplicity, humility, charity, optimism, gentleness, humanness, and resignation to the will of God in daily life.
The Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (M.S.F.S), known as “Fransalians”, is an international Congregation of Latin Rite, founded on October 24, 1838 in Annecy, France by Servant of God, Peter Marie Mermier.
The primary patron of the Congregation is St. Francis de Sales and …
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